Side Effect Of Sterois On The Cardiovascualr System

Anabolic steroids have been known to have a profound effect on the cardiovascular system of the body and it can lead to conditions such as stroke and heart attack. The reasons for such a development are manifold.

One of the reasons for the heart being side effects of anavar under strain is the sudden increase in the muscle mass of the body and placing it under load. This increase puts a tremendous strain on the heart as it is not prepared for taking such a load. As the heart is required to provide more and more blood to the new muscle tissues, it comes under stress and produces bad cholesterol as well.

Also the consumption of steroids ahs an steroid facts on the blood lipids. The use of anabolic steroids has effect on low density lipoprotein (LDL) & high density lipoprotein (HDL) values. HDL is labeled as the good cholesterol and LDL is labeled as the bad cholesterol. It has been observed with the use of steroids that there is an increase in the LDL levels and a decrease in the HDL levels. LDL increases the cholesterol levels and leads their build up on the artery walls, there leading to a blockage.

Another side effect of steroids on the body and the cardiovascular system is the development of high bold pressure. What happens is that with the consumption of steroids, there is an increased retention of water and salt in the body. There is also an increase in the red blood cell level in the body. Because of these factors, there is the development of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is anabolic steroid injections generally a pretty common condition and has been found to be prevalent in a number of conditions (stress being the most common). Such is the nature of this problem that it can have serious long term consequences for the person who is suffering from it. It can lead to situations such as the heart getting larger, which can lead to its failure. Or it can lead to the arteries leading to the kidney reducing in size and the ultimate failure of one’s kidney.

High blood pressure is a problem created by steroids that have a tendency for high estrogen conversion. As the levels of estrogen increase, there is a consequent increase in the salt and water levels in the body. This in turn leads to high blood pressure. The positive aspect with high blood pressure is that it is a reversible condition and can be reversed by positive lifestyle changes.